How to enable Android System Webview

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There is Android System Webview (an installed system component) on every Android smartphone. Those users who have no clue about its importance can disable it by mistake or even try to uninstall it in order to free up some space. But we recommend to avoid doing it. If you've disabled Android System Webview app, you should enable it as soon as possible. 

In this article we're going to share with you why this component is essential and how you can enable it in order to prevent the occurrence of errors in your Android OS when it's running. 

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Why you need  Android System Webview

Android System Webview app allows to open links directly from any app installed on your phone without using a browser. If you disable this service, no links can be opened and apps will start failing.

Why Android System Webview component can be disabled by mistake

System Webview works all the time so that it's always ready to open a link at any time by default. Such mode consumes a certain amount of energy and phone memory. 

And this is what some users don't like about it and the reason why they disable it without realizing the importance of the software. If this is what happened to you, your smartphone won't be able to open a link from any app and you'll receive an error message such as, for example: "Android System Webview has failed".

How to enable Android System Webview app on Android 5 and above

1. Go to the settings of your smartphone or tablet and open Settings > "Apps";

2. In the list of apps find Android System Webview and tap it;

3. If the "ENABLE" button is active, tap on it and the app should launch.

How to enable Android System Webview on Android 4.3 and below

On Android earlier versions (4.3 and below) Google doesn't support the functionality of this component and what actually might be the reason for its bugs. In such case, try the following:

  1. In "Apps" find Android System Webview, tap its properties (the dots in the upper right corner) and remove updates;
  2. Go to "Memory" or "Storage" (the name may vary depending on the version of your Android), erase data and clear cache;
  3. After it's done, update Android System Webview manually by downloading the app on your smartphone from Google Play in order to reinstall it.

The methods described above should help you to bring Android Webview app back into operation. 

Note: Root rights may be required and you can grant them via corresponding apps. Bear in mind that with no decent knowledge on OS operation, installing root apps is quite risky and it's better to consult an expert.